WW1 stereoscopic photos USS Pennsylvania, US 3rd Army trucks Germany

$40.00 CAD

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Two stereoscopic photos related to American materiel used in WW1. One is of the battleship USS Pennsylvania, the other shows long line of trucks used by occupying 3rd Army.

19147– Deck of U.S. Battleship Pennsylvania

Keystone View Company Manufacturers Publishers COPYRIGHTED MADE IN U.S.A.
Meadville Pa., New York, N.Y. , Portland, Oregon, London. Eng., Sydney Aus.

On back long text the history of Navy up to and during WW1

19197– A Mile of Autos Used by Our "Third Army" Germany

Keystone View Company Manufacturers Publishers COPYRIGHTED MADE IN U.S.A.
Meadville Pa., New York, N.Y. , Portland, Oregon, London. Eng., Sydney Aus.


On back long text the history the Third Army, which marched in Germany after the Armistice.

9  x 18 cm. Curbed as in normal, condition VF


The company expanded rapidly and by 1905, the year the Keystone View Company was incorporated, it was the largest business of its kind in the world. All of the manufacturing was done in Meadville, but branch offices were in New York, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland, Oregon, Chicago, Toronto, Canada and London, England. Salesmen and photographers were scattered around the world, and the company was offering 20,000 different views


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